
Silent Hill
The Order


Out of Town

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Places Around Town

Old/Central | Lake Side | South Side

Lake Side: Resort Area
This section lies between the Old and the southern half of Silent Hill, right along the forested area lining Sandford St. and Toluca lake. The lake is Silent Hill;s main tourist attraction. It is well know for its hauntings, two of which lie under the water itself. The first occured in the 1880's when a plague struck the town. The remains of 73 of its victims lie beneath the lakes surface. The second happened in 1918, the Little Baroness, a ship filled with tourists, sunk to the bottom of the lake. Its case was never solved. In the middle of the lake there is a tiny uninhabited island that is only reachable via boat and houses one solitary church. It's said that dark rituals are performed there. Down the street, behind the Hope House, a path through the woods leads to the old Wiltse coal mine.

Sandford Street
- Lighthouse: Overlooking the lake, this lighthouse is only reachable by a long walkway infront of the Lake View Hotel. When the fog rolls in, fishermen and boaters are able to find their way back to shore.
- Lake View Hotel: This 3-story Hotel (with a West and East Garage) was once a beautiful hotel on the lakefront before it burned down. Firefighters tried to save it but its chard shell is all that remains. Room #312 is James and Mary Sunderland's “Special place”. Their key's have fish shaped tags.
First Floor: Lobby, Gift Shop, Office and its Reception area, Telephone Operator Room, Employee Lounge, Manager's Residence, Men and Women's Locker Room, Security's Office, Manager's Office, Laundry Room, Restrooms, Refridgeration Room, Pantry, Employee Cafeteria, Dishroom, Kitchen, "Lake Shore" Restraunt, "Toluca" Cafe, Store Room, Rooms #1-#11
Second Floor: Rooms #1-#20 (Rooms #2 & #4 are connected), Restrooms, Reading Room, Lounge, Cloak room, Hall, Hall Guestroom, Service Room, Store Room, Storage Locker
Third Floor: Rooms #1-20 (#12 was once rented out to James & Mary Sunderland), Observation Room
Basement: Store Room, Boiler Room, Pump Room, Electrical Room, Liquor Storage, Kitchen, "Venus Tears" Bar, Restrooms

West Stanford Street
- Lake Side Amusement Park: An amusement park that's mascot is a rabbit name Robbie. His three friends are a cat, a horse, and a duck.
* “Mountain Coaster”: a rollercoaster
* “Borley Haunted Mansion”: a fun house
* “Swing Rocket”: spinning rocket ride
* “Star Travel”
* “Tea Cup”: a spinning teacup ride
* “Marchen Travel”: a funhouse where you ride through fairytales
* “Sky Flower”
* "Happy Carousel": a 13 horse carousel
* Fortune House
* Bar & Grill Lakeside
* Dina’s Teaparty
* Candy Pot
* Sweet Factory
* Imports Toyshop
* Magic Icecream House
* Stage for special shows
- Hope House (Wish House Orphanage): This 3-story orphanage takes in poor children around the area without homes and raises them. It is supported by the charity organization Silent Hill Smile Support Society and run by The Order's Holy Mother sect. Behind the Orphanage is a concrete Panopticon used for scheduled imprisonment and of punishing children who missbehave. Beneath the Orphanage, only reachable by elevator or through an entrance in the Amusement Park, is the Order's Chapel.